Project Setup

Setup your project to install blocks from a registry.

To install blocks from a registry you will need to create a jsrepo.json file.

This file tells jsrepo where to get the blocks as well as where and how to install them.

To setup the jsrepo.json file you can run the init command to take your through initial setup.

npx jsrepo init --project
┌   jsrepo  v1.41.3
◇  Where should we add the blocks?
│  src/blocks
◇  Add a repo?
│  Yes
◇  Where should we download the blocks from?
│  github/ieedan/std
◇  Add another repo?
│  No
◇  Wrote config to `jsrepo.json`.
└  All done!

Once you have run through the prompts your jsrepo.json file should look something like this:

	"$schema": "",
	"repos": ["github/ieedan/std"],
	"path": "src/blocks",
	"includeTests": false,
	"watermark": true

Now that you've created the jsrepo.json you can start adding blocks from repositories.

npx jsrepo add

If you need to update a block you just run add again and choose to overwrite it.

You can use the diff command to check what changes will be made to your code when you run the add command.

npx jsrepo diff